Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ten things not to say to a Mum of twins

This came up in conversation again today with a fellow twin Mum, so I decided to go back and find this list I wrote last year! I still stand by every single item on this list! 

Oh, and before you go "oh, but people are just being nice" NO!! Do you know, I once counted how many times I got told double trouble on a two hour trip around stockland? The total was 15. You tell me you wouldn't get sick of it!!!

10 While pregnant - "wow, you're massive! Are you sure there isn't three in there?". Thanks! My self esteem is sky rocketing!

9 "Are they identical? Yes. Cool! So it's a boy and a girl then?"........... I got nothing. Also, glad the pink tutus aren't a give away.

8 "Are they Twins?" Um........

7 "Two girls? Shame you didn't have one of each!" Sorry! I'd swap one for a boy but I lost the receipt.

6 "You must have your hands full!" Well, duh!

5 "You have an instant family now, you don't need to have any more!" Thank you stranger in the supermarket for decided we have enough children. 

"Are they natural?" No, they are aliens. Also, it's not any of your business how my children were conceived, random person in the car park.

"Twins? Hell no, I couldn't cope" and this is probably why I have them and you don't. (I also copped "twins? F%@K THAT! And would have punched them had they not been family).

"two for the price of one!". Nope, definitely two for the price of two. 

"double trouble" - no actually, I'm twice blessed, and luckier than you will EVER be.

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