Saturday, January 9, 2016

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, and I'm feeling...........


That is the best way to put it. I am so unsure about what 2016 is going to bring for me and my three.

I know there will be loads of adventures. There will be laughs and tears. There will be many hellos and goodbyes. Old friends and new friends. Success and failure.

But other than that, I got nothing.

I am hoping to finish my course.

I am hoping to do some singing.

I am hoping to stay well and healthy and happy.

I am hoping the children stay well and happy.

Going in to 2016 on my own with the kids I made a promise to myself. That this year will be about us. That I will concentrate on bringing up three well mannered, intelligent, well adjusted children. That we will make memories to last forever. That we will grow as a little family unit. That I will also make sure I spend time on myself. Allow myself to study, allow myself a night off here and there, be kind to myself.

I got this. I can do this. More importantly, I CAN SURVIVE!!!

Wine may play a big part in this........

I have spent the first 9 days of the new year thinking about a lot of things. Reflecting on what got me here. flicking back through the memory book of my childhood. Memories are constantly flooding back to me at the moment as I have moved back into my home. The home my Mum and Dad moved into when I was 6 weeks old. The home that was always there for me. The home where I created 29 years of memories with my darling Dad. The home in which I held his hand as he passed away. The memories are everywhere and whilst it is incredibly emotional, I am loving every single second of it. This house just exudes love when you walk in the front door, it is like a big warm hug and when people come in, they never want to leave. This is all I have ever wanted in a home, and I am so thrilled to be back in here.

I think my entrance hall says it all.........

So, I hope I can keep you all interested and entertained in 2016. I want to share it all with you. Like I said in my first blog, warts and all. And I can't promise I will keep it clean either, especially since I accidentally taught the twins to say 'shit'this week.

So now I will leave you with a quote from my favourite fictional writer, someone I love, from a show I adore, Someone who my mother hates and thinks is the ugliest woman in the world.........

Maybe you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be - Carrie Bradshaw.

Until next time

Kel xxx

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